film LIVING (Živi)
  • Original title: Živi
  • Type: Feature film
  • Year: 2020
  • Genre: Drama
  • Country: Serbia
  • Language: Serbian, English
  • Length: 100
  • Format: DCP, Blu ray
  • Directed by: Vuk Ršumović
RADOVAN (42), a single Serbian farmer turned smuggler, picks up a group of worn-down migrants illegally crossing Bulgarian border on their way to Europe. Among them is BOUSHRA (25) carrying her sick daughter AYA (6). During the night, Ayas condition is seriously deteriorating. Radovans boss DEJAN (46), a cruel and shady character, tells Radovan to take the girl away and leave her die. Radovan takes the girl to a remote, abandoned cottage and leaves her there. A few days later, Aya starts to get better and wants to get back to her mother who already had to go away with the group. Knowing that Dejan wants to sell the girl for money, Radovan decides to leave everything and go on a journey with the girl in search of her mother. As they travel along illegal immigrant routes, Radovan and Aya experience life-and-death challenges. They come across soldier who almost kills them, the truck driver who illegally transports them in the refrigerated container, the clerk who rejects their asylum application, fast food owner who refuses to pay them and the foreman who fires them from an illegal shipyard job. As they go through all the hardships, Radovan and Aya become the only family to each other. More than two years after they started their journey, Radovan and Aya finally reach Sweden and find Boushra, who is a changed woman now. She has a new life and a baby with her new husband who doesnt know about Aya. Boushra is torn apart. She knows that her husband would be humiliated and shamed, and his reputation in the community would be ruined forever, if he finds out about Aya, so she has a big decision to make: to abandon her new life and go with Aya or to turn back on Aya and her past forever. Radovan and Aya are sitting on the coast waiting for Boushra to come and tell them her decision.
  • Screenplay: Vuk Ršumović
  • Production company: Serbia - Art & Popcorn, BaBoon Production
  • Producers: Miroslav Mogorović - Art & Popcorn , Mirko Bojović - BaBoon Production
  • Supported by: Film center Serbia